Home speech therapy can have many benefits. It is a good idea to practice more 1. Therapy with software 2 at home, or with a volunteer 3, has been proven to be very effective.
Do you or someone you love find yourself returning from the speech therapist’s offices with the best intentions but losing enthusiasm after a few days? Don’t get discouraged! You may find this your first “homework” assignment in years. To be successful, you will need to reestablish good habits for homework. These are some helpful tips to get you started.
Schedule a Time
As with any other important appointment, add homework to your calendar. Choose a time when you are energized and can focus. To establish a routine, schedule your speech therapy sessions for this time each day. Don’t feel pressured to practice for an hour every day if your goal is one hour. To avoid boredom and mental fatigue, you can break down homework into smaller 20- to 30-minute pieces. Consistency is what counts. Speech Pathology Sydney empowering you to achieve your goals.
For just 20 minutes per day, for four weeks, every participant with aphasia was able to make improvements using our language therapy 4-in-1 app at their home in a research project at Cambridge.
Make a plan
Your speech-language pathologist may not give you a set of exercises. You can decide what to do each day, and when. Start with something easy to get your brain warm, and then move on to more challenging tasks. Then, finish with something easier to make you feel confident.
Choose a Good Place
You need to find a comfortable place in your home where you can do your work, but not too cozy. You may find your focus drifting if you are too relaxed on the sofa or recliner. It is a good idea to sit at the kitchen table or your desk since it can help you get into a work mindset. You won’t be as able to concentrate on your work if you are sitting in a chair that is too high.
Reduce distractions
Background noise can make it hard to concentrate, so you should turn off the TV and radio when you are doing your homework. You can turn off the notifications on your computer and phone. Choose a time when your family isn’t in the same place. Peaceful background music can help you focus.
Keep a hand for a helper
Communication partners can be very helpful in speech therapy exercises. Aid can help you determine if an answer is correct, clear, or unclear, give cues when you are stuck, and engage in conversation to help with the practice of a strategy. If you are using a tablet or computer, they may be able to offer technical assistance. It can also be helpful to have your helper attend your speech therapy sessions. Your helper
Will receive tips from the therapist which they can use at home.
One way to get started is to use Conversation Therapy. You can have back-and-forth communication with your partner by using structured questions and interesting topics.
Beware of Frustration
Stop if you get frustrated or angry while practicing. Take a break. Relax and take a deep breath. You can improve your speech therapy skills by speech pathology sydney. If you feel frustrated by the speech therapy exercises, they are likely too difficult or too tiring. Ask for help. You can also choose a simpler activity or setting. You will likely stop sticking to your schedule if you begin to associate homework with negative emotions. Negative emotions are something you need to be aware of and address immediately.
Reward yourself for your efforts
Setting goals is important, but it’s equally important to reward yourself for reaching them. It’s a great achievement to stick to your practice plan. Give yourself credit. It doesn’t matter how many items you get right. What matters is that you are trying. You will see the rewards of your efforts over time.
Use your Skills outside Homework Time
Although the brains of younger people tend to be more susceptible to changes than those of older ones, there is still hope for improvement at any age.
Home speech therapy is not about getting better at-home exercises. It’s about improving your thinking and communication skills as you engage in meaningful activities.
You can practice your homework strategies throughout each day. For example, if you have been practicing describing words, you might try to explain the words that you don’t know during a dinner conversation. Ask your family and friends for encouragement to apply your strategies to your daily life. It’s not something that people like to hear. However, it’s okay for you to have reminders at times and times when you are free to talk as you wish. It’s important to be clear with your family and friends about what times are.